League of Legends Name List

View upcoming or recently expired summoner names.

NameExpiresExpiry Date
Summoner Iconweatherill
Summoner Iconkyl
Summoner Iconmalden
Summoner Iconpumba
Summoner Iconflutist
Summoner Iconqta
Summoner Iconcheefkeef
Summoner Iconlunk
Summoner Iconcherino
Summoner Iconchads
Summoner Iconsmuts
Summoner Iconlizardon
Summoner Icondoog
Summoner Iconturingcomplete
Summoner Iconvinyls
Summoner Iconjarvin
Summoner Iconcutie yuumi
Summoner Icongunwook
Summoner Icontheberserker
Summoner Iconhefesto
Summoner Iconulzzang
Summoner Icondominica
Summoner Iconradcliff
Summoner Icontoothy
Summoner Iconyandere femboy
Summoner Iconmeltz
Summoner Iconpyroclasm
Summoner Icongimmighoul
Summoner Icongivin
Summoner Iconbarrett50cal
Summoner Iconsquaw
Summoner Iconiron 2
Summoner Iconakh
Summoner Iconbabypet
Summoner Iconasinine

The times shown have been automatically converted to your timezone and are shown in MM/DD/YYYY format. Expiration dates are estimates we calculate using the Summoner Name Decay rules. To learn more, visit our FAQ.