League of Legends Name List

View upcoming or recently expired summoner names.

NameExpiresExpiry Date
Summoner Iconziak
Summoner Icongruben
Summoner Iconbernier
Summoner Iconsyphax
Summoner Iconkagonos pet
Summoner Iconbluey
Summoner Iconzatch bell
Summoner Iconelektra
Summoner Iconautumn leaves
Summoner Iconjerald
Summoner Iconangry goat
Summoner Iconimposible
Summoner Iconlightningmcqueef
Summoner Iconpsr
Summoner Icontoxicwhiteman
Summoner Iconfrozuppy
Summoner Iconimaginee
Summoner Iconspr
Summoner Iconur not special
Summoner Iconbush wack
Summoner Iconteto
Summoner Iconthelastdon
Summoner Iconvayne aficionado
Summoner Iconhustlin beast
Summoner Iconwarts
Summoner Iconlet me split
Summoner Iconerasmo
Summoner Iconhoppip
Summoner Iconjun hyeok
Summoner Iconmeechol madness
Summoner Iconcomplied
Summoner Iconrepray
Summoner Iconcanidae
Summoner Iconnoob jg
Summoner Icontwotone

The times shown have been automatically converted to your timezone and are shown in MM/DD/YYYY format. Expiration dates are estimates we calculate using the Summoner Name Decay rules. To learn more, visit our FAQ.